What is the BEMER?

You may have heard us in class mention the BEMER. Typically during a conversation about some pain in the body or a condition that seems chronic...especially in Pablo's classes, he will say something like "You should try BEMER!"

So what is he talking about? I'll tell you the story.

As some of you know, both Pablo and I (and our family) have been in the health and wellness industry since we started Pilates two decades ago. We loved what Pilates did for our own bodies, but also saw amazing results in our clients that kept them living and loving life. Sure, we were pretty young and spritely, we ran marathons, swam the open ocean, surfed in La Jolla - we felt that Pilates kept our bodies able and aligned to do whatever. And then we started a family - the first child was born!

We began to really focus on our food and meals. Within a short period of time, research pointed us towards a strong plant based diet. We totally eliminated animal sourced foods (which is a crazy concept for an Argentine!). But we felt so good! We noticed incredible health and shared this with our clients. We felt strong, light, and had amazing immunity.

Fast forward to this year, fifteen years later. We still eat well, and we still do Pilates. But we were feeling our bodies, more slow...less vibrant...okay, maybe the Pandemic can be the blame? But maybe not.

My own story starts with my personal body. I was a ballerina. I put my body through many tasking years when I was younger. After 3 babies, I had developed some bad posture habits, and at a Pilates conference 3 years ago, I strained my knee. Running became a challenge. And when I moved to Monterey, I hurt my back. I live at the top of a hill so I am walking my kids to school up and down several times a day and my legs were...tired.

I decided to make an appointment for myofascial therapy, and when I was there the woman put me on the BEMER. She said, "We begin aging at 25, and our blood vessels become more restricted, so your body feels like a swamp" Well, okay. What does that mean? She pushed on my muscles, she said that if my blood was better flowing to the area, it would feel more squishy. Squishy is good? "Like a baby". "They have tissue like a sponge, it bounces back...not like sludge that you can feel the bumps".

She explained how the BEMER worked. It is an electromagnetic wave that stimulates the small blood vessels and allows for the entire circulatory system to flow better for twelve hours after one 8 min session. And then, I went home.

BUT the next day - not only had I slept great, I felt like I was twenty years younger! My back felt good, my knee was better, and I had an energy I hadn't really experienced for awhile. I went back about 5 times, and decided I needed to have a BEMER for myself.

So am I cured? Well, no. I have been using the BEMER for 6 weeks. Like with Pilates, I still have posture habits that won't disappear overnight. But, I can confirm, I am way better and feel like I am getting a vitality back that has been slowly diminishing.

I decided to buy the BEMER and put Pablo through the program with me. For me, I am running again, 4- 8 miles about 4x a week, my back is better and I lift those jumpboards and boxes daily! Walking my kids to school is a total breeze and I've noticed my leg veins disappearing (that was cool!).

As for Pablo, he has been working with shoulder and knee stuff and swears it is helping. And hey, we've just added to the class schedule, so we must have more energy!

To recap - we've been on a health journey for a long time, alignment and posture with Pilates, clean blood with food, and now better circulation with BEMER. I'm pretty sure most of you love feeling good too - and I can honestly say, this is the easiest way I've found to enhance this part of the journey.


My Pilates Story


Ayurveda - Perfect Health from Chopra