M8 Mentors

Pilates Teacher Training Program

Teach what you love. The M8 Teacher Training program is evolving just like our studio!

Designed for modern day learning - collaborating virtual with physical, audio and video, and self paced progress… M8 Teachers in training learn how to adapt movement, mindset, and mastery into a platform of healing expression.

Join the M8 Teachers Team, or spread the knowledge far and wide, our M8 Teachers will receive a National Certification but have access to the special insights of the M8 establishment. Our program includes a deeper understanding of Anatomy and Special Populations, Breathwork, Fascia Fitness, Yoga philosophy, Pilates apparatus and Matwork, and mindfulness.

Originally established in 2004, as Kore Pilates Academy, now M8 Wellness continues our Comprehensive Teacher Training with the benefit of working with an active studio.

  • Teach & Coach

    You will complete the M8 program with the knowledge and experience to teach Pilates movement for individuals and group classes, as well as coach clients for mindful living.

    Pilates & Yoga Principles

    Anatomy & Movement

    Alignment & Balance

    Pilates & Yoga Mat and Apparatus

    Special Populations and Injury


    and More!

  • How Long is Training?

    456 hours: 8 Months

    100 Hours Observation Live & Virtual

    100 Hours of Virtual Classroom

    120 Hours Practice

    100 Hours Teaching and Coaching

    36 Hours Conference

  • What's Included in Tuition?

    All Materials and Time to Complete Training

    Online Classroom

    Required reading and workbooks included

    Virtual Apps for Observation

    48 Classes at M8 (6 month exp)

    Fall/ Spring Pilates Conference

    Final Exams

  • Is the Program Nationally Recognized?


    This M8 Teacher Training program will prepare you to teach both individual clients, group classes, and coach others.

    There is a National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) that has standardized our industry and allows students of full Comprehensive Teacher Trainings to complete their exam.

    This exam is a seperate aspect (not included) and will give you the title "National Certified Pilates Teacher" or (NCPT)

  • Stephanie - Director

     After opening our first Pilates studio overlooking La Jolla Cove in 2003, I quickly realized I would need to hire more teachers.  My clients were precious to me, and I searched for Pilates teachers in the area but found little.  With some encouragement, I sat to write my own accumulated knowledge - from my first Pilates experience as a ballet dancer, then working side by side with Julian Littleford, then receiving a Comprehensive Certification from Rael Isacowitz in Newport Beach. 

    ​In 2004 I launched the Kore Pilates Academy program to provide the world with exceptional Pilates teachers.  For my own self, I too wanted to study, to know more.  I became fascinated by health and well being when my children were babies.  I enrolled myself at the Chopra Center of Well Being and became certified to teach "Perfect Health", their signature Ayurveda Program. 

    Clients travelled with us to amazing places where we would move, eat, explore and connect on retreats.  My work with coaching became very focused on nutrition and clean eating and my family switched to a plant based diet.  I studied yoga, meditation, philosophy, NLP, Reike, and energy healing.  These all became part of me as a teacher.

    After travelling and teaching since leaving La Jolla, we our now settled into the Monterey Peninsula where we are inspired to combine the Movement education of Pilates with the Mindfulness of Ayurveda and energy into a complete program.​

    This is M8


"I appreciated your preparedness, professionalism, expertise, skill, approach, and presence. You made the material relatable and easy to understand"


"I really enjoyed Stephanie’s teaching style in class and on-line. She made the classes very informative and fun. She was able to teach students with a wide variety of experience levels.

I am a Licensed Physical Therapist and previously trained Pilates instructor. I learned a lot in Stephanie’s classes. She made the most of our in-class time, providing valuable information and peaking our curiosity to learn more...”

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • yes you may begin your Teacher Training program anytime. The Conference is scheduled Fall/Spring so depending on when you are ready we will discuss which is appropriate.

  • Included in your Pilates Teacher Training Tuition is a block of 48 classes. These classes have a 6 month expiration from the date you enroll. You are welcome to add additional classes or memberships during and after your program.

  • The Pilates Teacher Training program is designed to be Comprehensive and Inclusive.

    The program includes the materials, classroom, observation availability, and classes. Additional classes, books, online apps can be purchased to enhance your learning but are not required.

  • This program is designed to be able to teach, not perform. Limitations in experience and phsical nature should not limit your ability to teach.

  • The Pilates Conference will be held twice a year. Your attendance is mandatory to complete the program, but you can choose the dates best for you.

  • Yes! While you will receive a significant discount with a one time payment, you are welcome to choose the payment option for a month at a time.

M8 = Pilates Teacher
One time
For 3 months

Designed for modern day learning - collaborating virtual with physical, audio and video, and self paced progress… M8 Teachers in training learn how to adapt movement, mindset, and mastery into a platform of healing expression. Join the M8 Teachers Team, or spread the knowledge far and wide, our M8 Teachers will receive a National Certification but have access to the special insights of the M8 establishment.

✓ Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ All Materials included in Tuition
✓ Virtual and In Person Learning